
In life when you trying to achieve your goals or reach your dreams don’t focus on people who will only have something negative to say to you. We will always be surrounded by individuals who will do this to you when you on your journey to reaching your dreams and when you finally reach your goal people will want to crush every part of you celebrating your achievement. When I was overweight after my first son I always had individuals who were always rude and had negative things to say about me. When I finally lost all that unwanted weight the first thing those same people said was “oh my look at what’s happening to you!! You are disappearing; you look so thin” instead of “well done on your achievement”. No one will know how emotional and difficult your journey was for you to finally get to where you are. It is people like this you have to block out from your life and just ignore it. At times it will be the closest people who will do this to you, why??? It’s just pure jealousy and they cannot be happy for other people’s success…. I am absolutely proud of my achievement. I did this being a full time mum having my son with me every second of the day, not forgetting helping so many people this year with achieving their weight loss, putting smiles on diabetic kids faces with all my healthy sweet treats without any sugar spikes or drops, inspiring individuals to reaching their dreams and not forgetting showing and assisting people on how healthy wholesome food can taste so delicious. Today I have another new born baby boy,  a pregnancy during lock down and Covid-19. It was an extremely difficult pregnancy mentally being indoors, but during this pregnancy my whole mindset was more healthy with what I put into my body and focusing on myself. It was not about worrying about the world or listening to individuals who will keep telling you they know better instead of supporting your decisions from eating to resting. End of the day it is your body, your mind and your journey don’t allow people to make you feel otherwise. So if you are on your journey to reaching your dreams look straight ahead, do it for yourself and kids. It’s all that matters. Create your own clean peaceful healthy lifestyle.