Life is full of tough challenges—many of them unexpected—and many of them can be difficult to overcome without inner-strength, effective coping skills and support. They make us stronger and without them life becomes somewhat meaningless because we have nothing to compare the good times to.
Dealing with disappointment is never easy. Disappointment will show up a lot in our personal and professional lives, sometimes when we least expect it. When we experience it, we can become distracted and feel like whatever we were involved in was not of value. While it often occurs to us as a form of anger, disappointment is ultimately a form of sadness. You may feel let down and unfulfilled.
Times we just need to reconnect with God. This is always a wise idea, but it becomes a necessity at times like this. Times of disappointment can cause us to emotionally pull away from God. Our faith may still be in tact, but our daily trust waivers. We may know God is able, but we have a harder time trusting Him to do what needs to be done.
Even if others experienced worse. Even if someone else went through the same experience doesn’t feel debilitated by it. Even if it could have been avoided. Even if it happened a long time ago. Even if no one knows. Your trauma is real and valid and you deserve a space to talk about it. It isn’t desperate or attention seeking. It’s self care!! It’s inconceivably brave. And regardless of the magnitude of your struggle, you’re allowed to take care of yourself by processing and uploading some of the pain you carry. Your pain matters. Your experiences matter. Your healing matters. It’s self care!!! Heal yourself for a better you and a better future, take as much time as u need again this is self care and self love, it is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. #respecturself#happylife#challengeacceptedlive#selfcareday#youarebeautiful#youareimportantandyoumatter#stayfocused#happysundayeveryone