5 reasons I love cooking at home

1. It’s fun.
I love that cooking give me a chance to be creative and indulge in some ‘play’ time – something we adults could do with a lot more. I adore losing myself in the rituals of chopping, stirring and tasting.

2. It’s delicious.
When you’re cooking you get to choose what you make AND what goes into each dish. You also get to choose the quality of the ingredients. So it’s easy to make things that are the most delicious to you.
Love chilli (like I do)? Then add more. Love sharp, acidic flavours (like I do)? Then add a splash of vinegar or a squeeze of lemon.
Think of it as a choose your own (tasty) adventure.

3. It’s good for your body.
The more I learn about nutrition the more I’ve come to realize that the most important factor for healthy eating is to avoid processed food and focus on using real ingredients.
And the best way to do this? Cook for yourself as much as you can.

4. It’s good for the soul.
Spending 30 minutes in the kitchen preparing dinner will put me in a much calmer, less frazzled mood than sitting on the couch for the same amount of time.
Plus it gives me an opportunity to nurture my family and friends. To express my love and take care of them.

5. The praise!
Hearing the words ‘this is amazing’ or thank for such an delicious recipe was a huge motivator for me
And still is.

Cooking with love is my passion. It helps me keep busy and connects me to the best of people” . We all have a passion for something in life, continue to keep at it and grow. You will only continue to get even better and will definitely be an inspiration to many.


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