Calm Collection By Le Creuset

Today was one of those days to indulge into a beautiful dessert with my calm collection from @lecreusetsa. A to die for moist cake made by @lockdownkitchen_ You have to taste it to believe it. Three different flavored soft sponge cakes topped with sweetened whipped cream served with a absolutely delicious flavored milk mixture to pour over. This […]
Bio Cultura By Dr Rae Abdulla

18 weeks pregnant going into five months of pregnancy today.. @db_uro Took this picture early this morning before my checkup excited to see our second little boy bouncing away in my tummy.. Every morning even while pregnant one of the first things i do is take my collagen powder from @dr_rae_abdulla_ . I use to take the capsules but […]
Buddh – Awaken To Ayurveda Body Care

During pregnancy loving your skin and body is absolutely important to me. It is one of the steps of pure self care and love. Finding body products such as body soaps, body butter to massages oils during pregnancy that’s 100% natural with no side effects is rare. When i came across their pregnancy items immediately drew […]
Use The Right Onion

They make us cry when we cut them, and they might cause a strong, pungent breath, but onions add a great, robust flavor to dishes. In my opinion, the awesome flavor they provide can really transform a plant-based dish, like when you caramelize them or use them to top soups and salads. There are several […]
Life Is Full Of Challenges

Life is full of tough challenges—many of them unexpected—and many of them can be difficult to overcome without inner-strength, effective coping skills and support. They make us stronger and without them life becomes somewhat meaningless because we have nothing to compare the good times to. Dealing with disappointment is never easy. Disappointment will show up […]
Change During Pregnancy

We all know that a womens body goes through immense change during pregnancy. Research has found that women are under pressure to go back to their pre-baby weight quickly after the birth of their child.Immediately they are shocked at how their tummy skin is hanging to the stretch marks n the sagging breast. Immediately this […]
A Healthy Gut

Gut health” describes the function and balance of bacteria of the many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, organs such as the esophagus, stomach and intestines all work together to allow us to eat and digest food without discomfortWe know that a healthy diet can lead to shinier hair, clearer skin, and loads more energy. […]
365 Skin Workout Range By Sorbet

So it’s been a few weeks now that I have been using the new 365 skin workout range launched by @sorbetlalucia and I only have positive feedback for you regarding this range all the way from Barcelona. My skin was always to dry and tight or just oily no matter what I used on my skin. Since […]
Intouch With Famous Chef Tony Kocke

Yes that’s me looking into the universe and claiming only the positive for @thehealthyplateza. The law of attraction definitely works. Today the famous Chef Tony Kocke, Executive Chef of Fairmont Zimbali Resort, one of the most experienced and lauded Chefs in the country has made direct contact with @thehealthyplateza wanting to meet to exchange some […]
Know Your Skin – 365 Skincare by Sorbet

After my experience today @sorbetlalucia I am definitely going to be focusing a lot more on my skin. We normally analyze our skin by just the appearance of it and not really knowing what exactly is happening underneath, for example redness, rashes or those zits we all hate and are very quick to grab any product to […]